Dr. Fujiang Tang
Heilongjiang River Fisheries Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Fisheries Sciences, China
Biography: Fujiang Tang, received a Ph.D. from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in hydrobiology. As a Research Associate Professor of Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, he is also supervisor of graduate student of University of Wisconsin- Stout and Shanghai Ocean University. His research field includes (1) life history traits of fish, (2) ecology and evolution on fish transplantation, and (3) Aquatic community regulating ecology, and he has more than 40 papers been published in his research field. He also serves as Committee member of fishery resource discipline of Chinese Academy of Fishery Science and Proposal Reviewer of National Nature Science Fund, and was granted as one of“100 talents of Science and Technology of Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences”.
Topic: Diet Shift and Cannibalism on Clearhead Icefish (Protosalanx Hyalocranius) and the Ecological Consequences
Abstract: Piscivory/cannibalism is considered the cause of intra-cohort size divergence in fish, and usually believed to increase the fitness in survival and reproduction; however, there isn't direct evidence proving piscivory/cannibalism increased reproductive fitness yet. Clearhead icefish (Protosalanx hyalocranius) is a small fish with a life span about 1 year, which allows it a good animal to give this evidence. P. hyalocranius was investigated in its life cycle since March 2010 through March 2011 from Lake Xingkai (Khanka). Size-frequency distribution exhibited bimodal since July through January, i.e. the population diverged into upper modal group and lower modal group. Stomach content analysis revealed that lower modal group served as prey and upper modal group were predators in cannibalism. Adults became mature since October and spawned mainly in January, while upper modal group females matured a little earlier than lower modal group, and reproductive investment was much larger in the upper modal group than in the lower modal group. Lower modal group males accounted for the majority of population after mainly reproduction period in January, which meant they may have few opportunities to participate in reproduction. Therefore, P. hyalocranius piscivory/cannibalism increased fitness of upper modal group and reduced fitness of lower modal group both in male and female.
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